While we hope for calm in our lives storms can’t always be escaped so they must be endured. Everything becomes uncertain in our calamity and we can attest that storms are a natural part of life. Peter noticed the wind set in and he began to realize that there was no way he should be out there on the water. When he saw the wind he was afraid as the boat began to sink. He cried out “Lord save me”. Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. “You of little faith” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt?” The sea calmed as the wind died down. Although the storms in our life are still there we can rise above them if we don’t take our eyes off of Jesus like Peter did. We need to know that some storms the Lord puts us through are so we can learn and others make us grow. We should maintain our integrity and not be tempted to sin as the winds of the storm begin to blow. As we cry out to Jesus He will guide us through. Jesus walked on water and the disciples saw Him. At first they were fearful and cried “it is a ghost”. Jesus said “take courage, it is I do not be afraid.”
Scripture doesn’t say that we wouldn’t go through the storms of life, but it does tell us that Jesus will take us through those storms. His promise is to walk with us through our trials and tribulations.
Our Father God Almighty I pray that everyone that is in a storm will take courage to stand firm in their faith in Jesus Christ. As they keep their eyes fixed on you Lord they will begin to trust in Your miracles, give You the glory and honor You Dear Father God with praise. I humbly pray this in the name of Jesus Our Lord. Amen.
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