It is our attitude that matters the most when we go through trials. Being filled with anger, or insisting on complaining and blaming God only makes matters worse. When we go through them with “thankfulness and praise to God”, “He promises to bring good things despite of them.” His word tells us to “count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience” (James 1:2, 3) I don’t know about you but my “testing of faith” has produced allot of patience these past few years. Apparently though, God is not finished teaching me this lesson and that His plan for my life has more purpose in my learning this great value for my life.
Being an intercessor my prayers for others during their times of struggle may not change some of the things that they must go through. Sometimes my prayers help to avoid them, and sometimes they don’t. I am confident though that if we don’t suffer anything that our life would be shallow, less compassionate and more complicated. Praying helps us to maintain a positive attitude of gratitude, hope, patience and peace in the midst of our trials. It also prevents us from reaping the wrong response. We must not allow ourselves to stop praying, praising God and looking to Him as our source. Don’t get discouraged in the battle and remember to stand strong through it. God will sustain us while doing so. Our lives are a testimony of the goodness of the Lord, and I believe that the manner in which we go through trials has a lot to do with where we are today.
God’s love fills every moment of our lives, even the toughest, loneliest most painful and difficult times. He is always there in our midst working things out when we, praise, pray and look to Him to do so. “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28) His purpose often brings us to go humbly before Him to experience breaking our inner, independent, self-sufficient which allows us to grow into compassionate, patient, spiritually strong, God-glorifying people. During our trials we must learn to trust Him and know that He loves and cares for us enough to bring us out of the tough times. (God didn’t say that we were not going to go through trials and tribulations, He did however tell us that He was going to take us through them.)
I can assure you that the more you pray through the rough spots, you will find your faith growing and your walk with God deepening.
I am carrying you in prayer today as I know that some of you are going through a very difficult time. Even though it hurts to see you struggle and I want to fix it, I trust that only God can do that. I pray that you are encouraged and look to Him as your source of comfort, love and mercy. I ask that the Holy Spirit move into your situation and transform your life. The bigger picture and our suffering are nothing compared to the glory of God working through us. God’s word tells us “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18) I encourage you to profess that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).Nothing can separate you from God’s love not what you are experiencing nor what you will experience in the future. No matter how bad it is, there is always hope in Christ, Jesus our Lord. Although our trials are purifying fire and cleansing water, the Lord will protect us from getting burned and we will not drown. God has to refine and renew us and He has promised that “in all things we are more than conquers”. (Romans 8:37)
My Prayer: “May you offer your praises to God while standing firm and waiting on Him to answer your prayers that will save you from the heat and keep you afloat.” And, may you know that God is the refuge and strength, who loves you very much and is the very present help in your time of trouble”. All glory and honor to you today, Christ, Jesus Amen
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