Prayer is our most powerful warfare...that is why it is such an important part of our lives...The more we pray the more we can win in the battles we face each and everyday..In prayer we connect to the Lord with intimacy and we become stronger in Him and we can defeat the enemy when we are strong in Christ...prayer causes our faith to increase, our relationship to develope stronger with the Lord and causes our deaf ears to open to hear His voice...that is why He says, My sheep know My voice....You always know the voice of the people you spend the most time with...hearing theLord will sharpen our hearing of His voice...That is how we put on the armor of Christ, the breast plate of righteousness,the shield of faith, the helment of salvation etc...Prayer gets us dressed for the battles we encounter, prayer raise s ourfaith to have victory over things in our life, prayer causes us to grow and enlarge our terriories..we begin to pray forothers needs, other nations and we see how really small the world is in God's eyes.... When we focus on us, we lose sight of all others..but when we pray we see the needs all over the world in a new way and we see a BIG God who can do all things for us according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus....amen.. Prayer really puts things in order in our lives and helps us to find our place in Him....He is so amazing. Without prayer, there is nothing..but with prayer there is more than we could ask or think...He loves us to communicate with Him..and the key there is commune...Communion is so important to the Lord, not just the symbol of eating a cracker with juice or wine, but true communion we develope with Him through prayer..He will engulf us in our prayer time with Himself and that is the spiritual communion He loves with us... God is good and we are so blessed to have such a loving, wonderful Father who looks after us in every way.
Thank you for all you do in His name for all others...He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him...amen..No one can out-give God...Blessings to you all, keep the faith, keep the prayers going up and you will contiue to see answers come down...
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