Wednesday, September 1, 2010



1 Peter 33:4 “Your beauty…should be that of your inner self, the unfolding beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

Beauty that exalts the mind and spirit comes from God. We are made beautiful by Christ’s perfect love for us, love made visible in the beauty of His cross. As we consider that love, the Holy Spirit shapes and transforms our hearts so that little by little we become more like Jesus in love and service.

The cosmetic and clothing industries spend billions of dollars each year in futile attempt to disprove it. Still, those of us whose photograph will never grace the cover of a glamour magazine can find joy in knowing that true beauty doesn’t come from a jar. It can’t be painted on, powered up, nipped or tucked. Mama’s wise words to me were, “It’s what’s on the inside that counts.”

Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

Editorial Manager, Department WOGXSC (Julie & Diane)

A Perfect Pot of Tea
Fill you kettle with cold, clear water and bring to a full boil.
Select you prettiest teapot. Warm the pot under hot running tap water until the porcelain is warm to the touch. Empty it.
Measure one scant level teaspoon of loose-leaf tea per serving into the bottom of the pot.
Add the boiling water. Let the tea steep for a full three minutes before serving. With tea, timing is everything.
Give the tea a little stir just before pouring it through a strainer. Be careful, it’s hot). 

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