Friday, September 3, 2010



Identity: the condition or fact of being a specific person or thing.

John 1:12 “To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”

These days to write a check, use a credit card, check into the hospital, receive medical attention, or to travel out of the country we must have documentation proving our identity.

“Where are your papers?”
“I need to see a photo I.D.”
“What is your mother’s maiden name?”

Soldiers have “dog tags”, drivers have licenses and travelers have passports. Newborn babies are given a birth certificate and a social security number before they even leave the hospital. Name badges identity employees. It seems that everyone needs to know who you are and whose you are.

An elderly nurse looked through the large plate-glass window where three young men stood, anxious to get a glimpse of the newborn babies. Secretly, they guessed which soft bundle belonged to them. The puzzled expression on each new father’s face betrayed his uncertainty. Which baby belonged to whom? The nurse began to match babies and fathers. Where were her glasses? She motioned for each new daddy to hold up his arm. Narrowing her eyes, she squinted to see the names printed on their wristbands. No mistake would be made on her watch!

Double-checking each new father’s identity, she matched each baby with care. The young fathers chuckled in amusement. Then they thanked her for her conscientiousness as she opened the door and handed the babies one by one to their respective dads. As she turned to go, she overheard one of the young men whisper, “I knew you were mine all along.”

We who have answered Jesus’ gentle call, we who know Him as Lord and Savior, are identified with Him. We belong to Him forever. He knows our names; He has written and sealed them in His Book of Life. Heaven has no need for identification bracelets, account numbers, passports, or birth certificates. This promise is the solid foundation of God’s people. (“The Lord knows who are His” 2 Timothy 2:19). We belong to Him, He redeemed us on Calvary. We have been bought and paid for by His blood, shed on the cross.

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