Friday, September 3, 2010


My Prayer: "Out Father who art in heaven-in whom we live, and move, and have our being; grant that we as Christians may live worthy of this glorious relation, and that we may not sin, knowing that we are accounted as yours. We are yours by adoption; made us yours by choice of our wil."

John 1:10-13

We may become God's children not by natural birth, but by new birth; or to use Paul's concepts, by the miracle of adoption. This is God's gift to us in Christ to be received by faith, not achieved by human effort but received by simply trusting in His promise that all who believe will receive the gift and the miracle.

If you have never asked God to become your Father through faith in Christ, start there as you go to Him in prayer. Ask Him; trust Him; receive the gift and miracle of new birth. Then say, "Father." Say it over and over again, and let it sink into the depths of your soul and thrill you with its possibilities.

My story:

I can remember a day when I sat curled up in my favorite chair, sipping a cup of tea. The early morning light streamed through the family room windows as I enjoyed a few minutes of "me" time. I slowly turned through the pages of our family photo albums, pondering over my children's childhood.

How fondly I remember the delightful squeals, silly stories and sweet giggles. How good it felt to hold my children close to me, dry their tears, take in the clean smells after bath time, and listen to thier steady breathing after they drifted off to sleep. Where did all that precious time go? I thought of the hectic pace of work, school, and running them around for activities would never end. What happened? The brevity of that sweet season in our lives together flew by. How soon it was gone!

As I reminisced, I thought. Had I taken even a single day for granted? Had I at times allowed life to get so busy, hurried, or stressed that I missed out on what was really important?

The Apostle James wrote, "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." (James 4:14). How true! God gives each one of us the same 24 hours each day. He lets us spend them in whatever way we choose. Will we waste those hours? Or will we fill them with balance and appreciation, seizing and making the most of each and every moment?

As I grow old I find that the minutes, hours, days, and weeks still pass by to swiftly. I want to shout, "Wait!" I want to savor every precious day and cherish each meoment for they will soon evaporate, lost in the vastness of infinity, never to be recaptured.

Today I thank Jesus for enduring the agony of the cross, for dying in my place to earn the forgiveness I need. I know my days on earth are brief. May God help me to make the most of them, even as I look forward to spending etiernity in heaven with my Savior. In Jesus' name I pray this day, Amen.

Psalm 39:5 "You have made my days a mere handbreadth the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each mans life is but a breath.

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