Friday, September 10, 2010

Resting in Jesus

I can feel the Lord tugging at my heart as I sit down and begin to study the Bible. Scripture is like healing is to a burn. As I snuggle in my chair, I feel as though God is holding me in the hollow of His hand. It is as if at this very moment the world is at peace. A sense of calmness washes over me. “This is it”, I thought. It is serenity! As I ponder the verse before me, I feel as if my troubles are far away. “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because He trusts in you” Isaiah 26:3.

“Trust is the easiest and hardest thing to do”. It is not complicated because even children get it. It is simply relinquishing our hold on things and allowing God hold them. We would make it so much easier on ourselves if we would only remember that He is holding them already. Not trusting God is so exhausting. We exert so much effort to control what can not be controlled. Trust is letting go while not holding onto or holding back something.

“A little boy was trapped on the second floor of a house on fire. He stood at the window surrounded by smoke and flames, crying for help. He heard his father’s voice below, yelling for him to jump into his arms. “But I can’t see you Daddy”, the child cried. His father shouted back, “That’s, O.K., I can see you, so jump”. We walk by faith and not by sight, do we not? Beneath us are the everlasting arms (Deuteronomy 33:27).

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”. John 16:33

Our Savior, whose sacrifice on the cross made it possible for us to have the absence of disturbance and trouble as we rest in His state of calmness and peace.

My Prayer: Almighty God you are the Rock eternal. You are the one worthy of all my confidence and trust. I believe, help me when I don’t. In Jesus’ name I pray this day, Amen.

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