Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Act On Faith To Move Mountains

In Luke 17:5 the apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith. They felt that if they had more faith, they could do what Jesus did. So they decided to go the easy route and ask Jesus to increase their faith. What better person to ask! Jesus was full of faith—just look at all He did! Nothing—or no one—not even Satan stood in His way. He just spoke a word with such assurance and authority that what He said would be done! Jesus knew what lies Satan told and how he tried to deceive people. Jesus also knew the truth—Satan had no power whatsoever. God backed Jesus up—every time!
When the apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith, His response shocked them. He told them they didn’t need a large amount of faith. A mustard seed size would do! Well OK they thought, Jesus won’t increase our faith. But how do we get mustard seed size faith? A mustard seed is so tiny, isn’t it? You can barely feel it, it is so small. If you don’t have a mustard seed, then look at a point on the end of a pencil. That’s about the size of a mustard seed. Now, let us imagine what a mountain looks like. It is Huge, isn’t it? In man’s eyes mustard seed faith could never remove this mountain. But God back’s up His promises to us. God is so simple—He will not make things difficult for us, or make something out of our reach. Matthew 17:20 says, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Mark 9:23 says everything is possible for him who believes. Mark 10:27 says that all things are possible for God. So, how do we obtain Mustard Seed Faith? God gives us the measure of faith (Romans 12:3). OK so now we have mustard size seed faith. What do we do with it? How do we use it? When we are praying for others or ourselves: We need to get our minds off ourselves, off the other person, off the situation and focus completely on God. We need to see what Jesus has already done for us by His stripes and the cross, and look to the power of the Holy Spirit. Focus on building your own faith. The gift God gives you is enough, but you can build upon what you have. You can’t read or hear the Word then put it on a bookshelf. What happens when you do that? Well, what happens when you quit exercising and eating too much? You gain weight and loose your muscle. What happens when you don’t focus on giving in your marriage and focus on the getting part? The marriage suffers. What happens when you let you garden go? The weeds come in and overtake the plants. The same thing happens when you stay out of the Word. You forget what the Word says and how to apply it to situations in your life. By reading the Word of God is how you increase your faith. Keep in the Word, by reading, listening to tapes, listening to others teach and preach until the Word is in your heart and you live, breathe, speak, walk and act on God’s Word at all times. Act on your mustard seed of faith and move any mountains standing in your way.

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